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Your search for "Jeff Hesser" returned the below results for sessions and speakers.

Vault Rewind: Improving the Culture of Critique: Communicating Across Disciplines

Speaker: Jeff Hesser  (Epic Games)

Location: Virtual

Track: Skills Development

Format: Vault Rewind Session

Effective Feedback & Critique Roundtable Day 1

Speaker: Jeff Hesser  (Epic Games)

Location: Virtual

Track: Skills Development

Format: Roundtable

Effective Feedback & Critique Roundtable Day 2

Speaker: Jeff Hesser  (Epic Games)

Location: Virtual

Track: Skills Development

Format: Roundtable

Hesser, Jeff

Title: Artist

Company: Epic Games

Jeff Hesser is an artist at Epic Games and a sculptor with expertise in both traditional and digital techniques. Before moving to Epic, Jeff worked on numerous musical games at Harmonix that included Rock Band 3 & 4, Fantasia: Music Evolved, Harmonix Music VR and SingSpace. In addition to 10 years of game industry experience, Jeff taught undergraduate and graduate students for 15 years and received the Frazier Award for Excellence in Teaching at the Rhode Island School of Design in 2006. Jeff is also cofounder of Secret Portal, a collective of artists, designers, musicians and engineers dedicated to exploring the use of VR in public spaces.